Podcast Episodes

Podcasts can be found on YouTube and Spotify for videos. Audio only are on iHeart Radio and Amazon Music/Audible.

Ten Minute Summary of Healing Tips from the Heart Podcast Episodes 1-25 with Dr. Lori Hops

Ten minute brief overview of the first 25 podcast episodes from Healing Tips from the Heart: Inuition with Helpers, Healers and Guides. Dr. Lori Hops summaries topics from interviews with her guests on energy practices, dream predictions of illness, medical intuition, grief work, creativity, Logosynthesis, cancer journeys, intimacy, ketamine treatments, sound healing, shaminism, working with youth, consciousness practices and more. Find new episodes and return to your favorites. Now on Spotify, YouTube, iHeart Radio and Amazon music/Audible. Click on YouTube. Click on Spotify.

Healing from the Body Level Up with Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. Judith Swack

Healing from the Body Level Up clears negative thoughts, erases unwanted patterns, and removes blocks to wellbeing. Explore soul to soul communication for greater wisdom through the body’s responses with muscle testing. Join experts Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist and Dr. Judith Swack, biomedical scientist turned metaphysical healer as they uncover vital keys for better living. Episode 31. Click on YouTube. Click on Spotify.

Fearless Public Speaking with Energy Psychology. Dr. Lori Hops and Robin Bilazarian, LCSW, DCEP

Lift the invisible force field of fear with public speaking by using energy psychology techniques. Once silently self-critical, Robin overcame her speaking blocks, becoming an award-winning international teacher. Join experts Robin Bilazarian, licensed clinical social worker, and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist as they enter the world of tapping to free your voice. Episode 30. Click on YouTube. Click on Spotify.

Infertility’s Anguish and Answers with Energy Practices. Aileen Nealie, LMFT and Lori Hops, PhD

Trace the heartbreak and breakthroughs of infertility and pregnancy loss. Learn how to clear blocks and trauma that stop you from living your dreams, with a visualization exercise. Join experts Aileen Nealie, licensed holistic psychotherapist, and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist as they guide you to finding trust despite despair, and love in the midst of hopelessness using energy practices. Episode 29. Click on YouTube. Click on Spotify.

Astrology’s Inner Map for Personal Growth with Stacy Dicker, Ph.D. and Lori Hops, Ph.D.

Mine your personal path to inner depths and the outer world through your birth chart. Discover how the elements, planets, people and even animals bring out the light and shadow for one another. Join experts Stacy Dicker, licensed psychologist, and Lori Hops, licensed psychologist finding empathy for life’s tensions and delight in life’s gifts. Episode 28.Click on YouTube. Click on Spotify.

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Caregivers: Building Resilience with Energy Practices with Dr. Lori Hops and Mandi Freger, LPC

Create heart centered healthy boundaries for those with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Learn caregiving skills and energy practices for clarity, realistic expectations, and safety. Join experts Mandi Freger, licensed professional counselor and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist as they share tips for resilience and support. Click on YouTube. Click on Spotify

Increase Your Healthspan through Wellness Frequencies with Dr. Lori Hops and Chris Farrelly, ND, LAc

Fine tune your desired vibrations in the mind, body, and spirit through deliberate practice. Attract the patterns you want to maintain healthy outcomes. Explore diverse energy practices and muscle testing with experts Dr. Chris Farrelly, doctor of naturopathic medicine, and doctor of acupuncture, and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist. Click for YouTube. Click for Spotify.

Reiki, Shamanism, and Guiding Voices for Sacred Healing with Dr. Lori Hops and Stella Davies

Power up your inner self through everyday magic by using your voice, accessing healing energy, and gathering wisdom from the ancients. Follow your truth through ups and downs of life, from the song of your heart. Learn about shamanism, Reiki and sacred voices with stories of surrender and triumph from experts Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist and Stella Davies, Reiki Master, shamanic practitioner and sound and yoga instructor. Click for YouTube Click for Spotify

Buying Time with Cancer Using Nutrition and Bengston Method with Dr. Lori Hops and Hoda AlFaqih, MBA

Healthy food, sound medical care, and an irrepressible spirit turned one person’s dire cancer diagnosis into a vital life path of service to self and others. Find out how The Bengston Method and other healing approaches can fortify life force energy. Join experts Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist and Hoda AlFaqih, MBA to uncover ancient and modern uses of blessings and guidance for good health and wellbeing. Click for YouTube Click for Spotify

Creativity in the Service of Love: Meeting Challenge with Nurturance. Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. David Gruder

A high need for approval, love and a deep desire for creative expression can bring hope or heartbreak. Discover ways to cope with the spells of shame, misunderstanding, and shock to live your better dreams. Wake up to your mission in life with experts Dr. David Gruder, psychologist and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist.

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From Tragedies to Miracles with Embodied Grace Process with Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. Lori Leyden

Learn about the five stages of embodied grace for authentic living, so you can rise from your heart’s compassion. See how communities facing war, genocide and school shootings transform from trauma to peace with lessons learned from the depths of shocking loss. Travel through the mysteries of uncertainty, surrendering to a higher calling with experts Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist and Lori Leyden, MBA, PhD.

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Full Living with Tapas Acupressure Technique. Dr. Hops and Tapas Fleming, LAc

Alleviate distress, pain, trauma. Update the mind and body with easy to use self-applied acupressure techniques. No need to think, feel or figure out what caused problems in order to solve them. Join experts Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist and Tapas Fleming, licensed acupuncturist for stories of creative explorations, discovery of deep levels of the self, and the joy of presence for transformation.

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Free Yourself with Presence and Energy Psychology. Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. Fred Gallo, Ph.D., DCEP

Find out how panic, hopelessness and anger can turn into peacefulness and wellbeing through the practice of surrender. Follow a recipe to free yourself from burdens, by adopting non-judgmental acceptance and mind body healing techniques. Personal stories of transformation with the higher intuitive self are shared by experts Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist, and Dr. Fred Gallo licensed psychologist.

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Guiding Dreams and Energy Practices for Mind, Body, and Spirit Wellness with Dr. Hops and Dr. Larry Burk, MD, CEHP

Wake up to your dream messages of guidance and warning for better health. Follow practical and symbolic meaning for body, mind and spirit vitality. Experts Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist and holistic radiologist Larry Burk, MD, CEHP share stories of healing using energy practices, body awareness and dreamscapes.

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Cancer Crisis and Opportunities for Healing with Dr. Lori Hops and Jannie Douma

Discover one woman’s triumph over cancer during the pandemic, choosing peace and life over fear. Shift from victimhood to power through visualization and other tools for health. Join experts Jannie Douma, psychosocial therapist, and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist as they uncover keys to life’s missions and service.

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Healing Children’s Heart Disease with Gift of Life International with Dr. Lori Hops and Brenda Small

Find out how despite harrowing odds, more than 40,000 children’s lives have been saved from debilitating heart ailments and potential death, by dedicated visiting and in country cardiac medical teams, across five continents and in 80 countries. Learn about successful humanized care programs revitalizing patients’ families and international health care workers. Join experts Dr. Lori Hops, Licensed Psychologist and Brenda Small, Operations Consultant for inspiring stories of health, wellness, and love.

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Restoring Health with Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy and Energy Practices with Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. Kerri Husman MD, IFMCP, DCEP, CHMRP, CHTP, CIHC, AAITCP, PRT

Ketamine use under controlled medical conditions can treat severe mental illness with remarkable speed including depression, substance abuse, PTSD, and anxiety disorders. Find out how energy practices combined with ketamine assisted psychotherapy can replace trauma with peace, comfort, and lasting wellness. Join experts Dr. Lori Hops licensed psychologist, and Dr. Kerri Husman psychiatrist as they explore new realms of consciousness.

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Stress Reduction in Minutes for Youth and Adults with Dr. Lori Hops and Kerri Vercellini, LMHC

Learn quick and handy tips to increase calm, decrease overwhelm, and improve mental clarity. Strengthen your superpowers of empathy, sensitivity, and connection with tools for healing and balance for all age groups. Experts Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist and Kerri Vercellini LMHC demonstrate body based energy techniques for wellness.

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Here and Now Tools for Decision Making Using Energy Practices with Dr. Lori Hops and Amy Frost, MBA, MA

Up your game for clarity and focus using easy to follow tips. Breathing, imagery, heart-based intuition, dream suggestions and more can help you when facing dilemmas. Access solutions just like veterans, business people and cancer survivors have done, with experts Amy Frost, MBA, MA and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist.

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Intimacy’s Passion and Purpose: Intuitive Connections from the Heart with Dr. Lori Hops and Alina Frank

Learn how one person left behind a ten-year sexless marriage to find love by listening to inner knowing. Find out how energy practices allow you to face deep and painful lessons, leading to joy and freedom. Experts Master EFT trainer Alina Frank and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist get personal in this revealing talk about matters of the heart. Click for Spotify. Click for YouTube.

Life Shocks with Cancer Recovery Gifts with Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. Coral Westaway

Saying yes to life in the midst of life-threatening discoveries, can be an effective way through confusion and hopelessness. Prioritizing self-care with compassion, while following intuitive knowing, can reveal unexpected identity changes, with both pain and joy. Experts Dr. Coral Westaway, cancer survivor and psychologist, and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist, explore meaning within the messiness of life. Click for Spotify. Click for YouTube.

Playing with Possibility: Sound Therapy, Healing Intention, and Energy Practices with Dr. Lori Hops and Greg Carpenter, LMFT

Immerse yourself in a sound experience with singing bowls and flute for healing and relaxation. Discover four levels of sound therapy practices including ethically delivered trauma informed care. Learn how deliberate intention can be combined with energy practices from experts Dr. Lori Hops licensed psychologist and Greg Carpenter, LMFT. Click for Spotify. Click for YouTube.

Alleviate Mental and Physical Suffering Through Logosynthesis and Intuition, with Dr. Lori Hops and Cathy Caswell

Dissolve distressing images, beliefs and symptoms using Logosythensis, a model of change for self-growth, coaching and psychotherapy. Bring balance to your life with left brain logic and right brain intuition. Experts Cathy Caswell, dietician and everyday living coach, and Dr. Lori Hops licensed psychologist share personal stories of transformation using words to move energy. Click for Spotify. Click for YouTube.

Intuition for Energy Psychology Counseling and Everyday Life with Dr. Lori Hops and Joan Kaylor, LPC

Want to find solutions and better health with free, easy to use and effective tools? Discover your body’s wisdom with intuition, muscle testing, and using a pendulum. Solve problems and find joy by tapping on meridians using energy psychology with experts Joan Kaylor licensed professional counselor, and Dr. Lori Hops licensed psychologist.

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Healing and Intuition through Movement, Flow, and Synchronicity with Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. Michelle Greenwell

Improve your health with body movement and intuition tips from a dance and complimentary and integrative health educator. Set goals, trust, and live your dreams by overcoming obstacles. Gain greater self-awareness and creativity with experts Dr. Michelle Greenwell and Dr. Lori Hops licensed psychologist. Click for YouTube Video or Click for Spotify video

Lifting the Heaviness of Grief, Loss and Suffering by Using Your Intuition With Dr. Lori Hops and Sherry O’Brian, LCSW

How do you move through heartbreak, your past, and trauma, to regain vitality? Move through burdens, beyond self-blame and embittered isolation with the help of energy psychology practices. Redefine rage, grief, and suffering to find new possibilities in life with experts Sherry O’Brian, psychotherapist and social worker, and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist.To hear or watch the podcast with video, go to either of these links: YouTube or Spotify.

From Mental Illness to Wellness: Grounding and Energy Healing With Dr. Lori Hops and Seth Butcher

Move from trauma to loving kindness through your heart, body and mind. Follow practical, easy and free tips with intuition to help you now. Experts Seth Butcher, former stockbroker turned psychotherapist shares with Dr. Lori Hops licensed psychologist how he turned a breakdown into a breakthrough using energy practices. To hear or watch the podcast with video,go to either of these links: YouTube or Spotify.

Sound Healing and Energy Healing for Intuition with Dr. Lori Hops and Rachel Michaelsen

Want to relax, open your heart, and access mind, body and spirit health? Self-healing using sound vibration and tips for success can be yours. Experts Rachel Michaelsen, licensed clinical social worker and Dr. Lori Hops licensed psychologist share how to relieve pain, suffering, and confusion for greater calm and clarity. To hear or watch the podcast with video, go to either of these links: YouTube or Spotify.

Trust Your Knowing Through Consciousness, Intuition and Spirituality with Dr. Lori Hops and Dr.  Adriana Popescu

Open your mind and heart to gain greater awareness to find your way in life, overcome illness and access wellness. See how trusting your knowing and listening to the spirit world may help you find your way in life. Experts Dr. Adriana Popescue and Dr. Lori Hops licensed psychologists explore universal oneness and intuition for better living. To hear or watch the podcast with video, go to either of these links: YouTube or Spotify.

Wake Up Calls for Better Living by Moving Beyond Logic with Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. Craig Weiner

Find your way from confusion and chaos to clarity and self-acceptance by following your intuition. Enhance your vitality and joy through your inner knowing. Hear personal stories about transformation after being fired from a job, going through a divorce, and changing career paths, with experts Dr. Craig Weiner, Chiropractor and Master EFT trainer, and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist. To hear or watch the podcast with video, click on these links: Spotify or YouTube

Medical Intuition, Misdiagnosis and Upgrading Your DNA with Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. Maria Limardo

Medical intuitive doctor and geneticist tells how she was misdiagnosed in childhood as psychotic rather than super sensitive. Learn how multisensory processing can appear similar to attention deficits. Discover DNA longevity upgrades and self-empowerment tools with experts Dr. Maria Limardo, medical intuitive, and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist.

To hear or watch the podcast with video, click on these links: Spotify or YouTube

Facing Realilty with Informational Fields and Logosynthesis with Dr. Lori Hops and Dr. Willem Lammers

Find your purpose and see how things really are through being in the here and now. Transform your energy using words, dissolve obstacles, and strengthen your connection to your essence. Experts Dr. Willem Lammers,psychotherapist, and Dr. Lori Hops, licensed psychologist explore resilience, change, and life enhancement. To hear or watch the podcast with video, click on these links: YouTube or Spotify

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